Rice Cooker Bread

Homemade Rice Bread Without an Oven

Why People Love This Recipe


In the realm of home baking, there’s a rising star that’s capturing the hearts of cooking enthusiasts worldwide – Rice Cooker Bread. This innovative recipe has gained immense popularity for its simplicity, accessibility, and the delightful results it delivers. Let’s explore why people are falling in love with this homemade marvel.

1. Simplicity and Convenience

One of the main reasons for the widespread adoration of Rice Cooker Bread is its simplicity. Traditional bread baking often involves intricate steps, precise temperatures, and specialized equipment. In contrast, this recipe simplifies the process, making it accessible even to those who might shy away from the complexities of bread making. Plus, the use of a common kitchen appliance, the rice cooker, adds an element of convenience that resonates with busy individuals.


2. Minimal Equipment, Maximum Results

Not everyone has access to a fancy bread oven, but almost everyone owns a rice cooker. This recipe showcases the versatility of this humble kitchen appliance, demonstrating that you don’t need an elaborate setup to create a delicious loaf of bread. The ability to achieve impressive results with minimal equipment has sparked the interest of home cooks seeking a straightforward yet rewarding baking experience.

3. Foolproof Rising Process

For those who have struggled with achieving the perfect rise in traditional bread recipes, the Rice Cooker Bread offers a foolproof solution. The enclosed environment of the rice cooker creates an ideal setting for the fermentation process. The controlled temperature and consistent heat distribution ensure that the dough rises evenly, resulting in a beautifully fluffy loaf with minimal effort.

4. Versatile Flavor Possibilities

While the basic Rice Cooker Bread is a delightful treat on its own, enthusiasts love experimenting with flavors. From adding herbs and spices to incorporating sweet elements like cinnamon and raisins, this recipe serves as a canvas for creativity. Home bakers appreciate the versatility that allows them to tailor the bread to their taste preferences or complement specific meals.

5. Aroma-Filled Kitchen

There’s something magical about the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the kitchen. Rice Cooker Bread provides home bakers with the opportunity to experience this magic without investing in an expensive oven. The enticing smell of baking bread adds an extra layer of satisfaction to the entire process, turning a simple recipe into a sensory delight.

Why It Works, and EAT THAT SUCKER

The success of Rice Cooker Bread can be attributed to the unique cooking environment it leverages. The rice cooker mimics the steam injection method used in professional ovens, resulting in a crusty exterior and tender interior. The controlled conditions ensure consistent heat distribution, contributing to the foolproof nature of this recipe. The simplicity, accessibility and reliable results make Rice Cooker Bread a standout choice for both novice and experienced bakers.

1. Can I use any type of flour for Rice Cooker Bread?

Yes, the recipe is quite forgiving. You can experiment with all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, or even a mix of different flours to suit your preference.

2. How long does it take for the bread to cook in a rice cooker?

Cooking time may vary, but it typically takes around 45-60 minutes. Keep an eye on it, and perform the toothpick test to check for doneness.

3. Can I add nuts or seeds to the dough?

Absolutely! Feel free to add your favorite nuts, seeds, or dried fruits to enhance the texture and flavor of your Rice Cooker Bread.

4. Do I need to grease the rice cooker bowl before adding the dough?

Yes, greasing the bowl helps prevent the bread from sticking. Use a neutral oil or butter for greasing.

5. Can I double the recipe to make a larger loaf?

Doubling the ingredients should work well for a larger loaf. Adjust the cooking time accordingly and check for doneness as needed.

Rice Cooker Bread has undoubtedly carved a niche for itself in the world of homemade bread recipes. Whether you’re a novice baker or an experienced culinary enthusiast, this recipe offers a delightful journey into the art of bread making. So, grab your ingredients, embrace the simplicity, and get ready to savor the irresistible charm of freshly baked Rice Cooker Bread.

Rice Cooker Bread

Homemade Rice Bread Without an Oven

This recipe offers a simple way to create delicious rice bread without the need for an oven, making it accessible and delightful for all!
Course dinner


  • •200g rice powder
  • •230ml warm milk
  • •4g instant dry yeast
  • •20g sugar
  • •10g olive or sunflower oil
  • •3g salt


  • Prepare Yeast Mixture:
  • Dissolve instant dry yeast and sugar in a bowl. This creates a yeast mixture that helps the bread rise.
  • Prepare Rice Flour Mixture:
  • In another bowl, cover the rice powder with salt. Ensure even distribution of salt in the rice flour.
  • Combine Ingredients:
  • Gradually add warm milk to the yeast mixture while stirring. Different rice flours may have varying moisture levels, so adjust accordingly.
  • Incorporate Oil:
  • Stir in olive or sunflower oil into the mixture. Ensure that the oil is well integrated, contributing to the texture and flavor of the bread.
  • Fermentation:
  • Allow the dough to ferment in a warm place until it doubles in volume. This step is crucial for the rising of the bread.
  • Degassing:
  • Stir the bubbly mixture to eliminate excess gas. This helps in creating a smoother texture in the final bread.
  • Prepare Pan:
  • Heat a 20cm frying pan over medium heat and grease it with cooking oil. This ensures the bread doesn’t stick to the pan.
  • Pour Batter:
  • Pour the batter into the pan, tapping to distribute it evenly. The even distribution ensures uniform cooking.
  • Second Fermentation:
  • Cover the pan with aluminum foil and let it ferment for an additional 20-30 minutes. This contributes to the light and airy texture of the bread.
  • Cooking Phase:
  • Replace the lid and cook on low heat for 10-13 minutes. If the top is hardened, invert the bread onto a plate and return it to the pan.
  • Final Cooking:
  • Cook the back for an additional 5-6 minutes over low heat. This ensures that both sides are properly cooked.
  • Enjoy:
  • Your Rice Bread is now ready to be enjoyed! Slice it and savor the unique flavors of this stovetop-baked delight.
Keyword Homemade Rice Bread Without an Oven


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